The team has been taking several pre-emptive infrastructure measures to help prepare for significantly increased traffic as a growing number of schools move to fully online courses. We will continue to monitor closely and take any additional steps required to provide a seamless service.

Security Analyst Fast Track Training

This is a technical introductory course to the fast-growing field of Cyber Security. The course will provide hands-on technical exposure to delegates in vulnerability assessments, web application security, security incidents response and management, Azure security, and AWS security.

Security Risk and Compliance Training

Security Risk and Compliance Training Alliance is now offering an industry-leading Security Risk and Compliance Training course. This dynamic instructor-led course covers all known aspects of Security Risk and Compliance Training that exist in the Security Risk and Compliance environment today. This course provides a detailed overview of all Security Risk and Compliance issues, including threats, risk mitigation, node security integrity, confidentiality, best security practices, advanced Security Risk and Compliance Certification and more. The in-depth lab sessions will provide the student with practical, real-world tools for not only recognizing security threats but mitigation and prevention as well.


Attend the Security for Security Risk and Compliance salary Professionals course and pass the exam, gaining the certification.

  • Identifying  between security threats and attacks on a Security Risk and Compliance network.
  • Security Risk and Compliance methods, best practices, risk mitigation, and more.
  • All known (to date) cyber-attack vectors on the Security Risk and Compliance.
  • Performing Security Risk and Compliance network security risk analysis.
  • A complete understanding of Security Risk and Compliance inherent security features and risks.
  • An excellent knowledge of best security practices for Security Risk and Compliance System/Network Administrators.
  • Demonstrating appropriate Security Risk and Compliance data safeguarding techniques.

Target Audience

  • Security Risk and Compliance Architects
  • Security Risk and Compliance Developers
  • Application Developers
  • Security Risk and Compliance System Administrators
  • Network Security Architects
  • Cyber Security Experts
  • IT Professionals w/cyber security experience

Day 1: Security Risk and Compliance Certification Fundamentals

Module 1: Fundamental Security Risk and Compliance 

  • Cryptography for the Security Risk and Compliance
  • A Brief Introduction to Security Risk and Compliance
  • Security Risk and Compliance Security Assumptions
  • Limitations of Basic Security Risk and Compliance

Module 2: Consensus in the Security Risk and Compliance

  • Security Risk and Compliance Consensus and Byzantine Generals
  • Introduction to Security Risk and Compliance Consensus Security
  • Proof of Work
  • Proof of Stake
  • Other Security Risk and Compliance Consensus Algorithms

Module 3: Advanced Security Risk and Compliance Security Mechanisms

  • Architectural Security Measures
    • Permissioned Security Risk and Compliance
    • Checkpointing
  • Advanced Cryptographic Solutions
    • Multiparty Signatures
  • Zero-Knowledge Proofs
  • Stealth Addresses
  • Ring Signatures
  • Confidential Transactions

Module 4: Smart Contract Security

  • Introduction to Smart Contracts
  • Smart Contract Security Considerations
  • Smart Contract Code Auditing

Day 2: Security Risk and Compliance Implementations

Module 5: Security Risk and Compliance Risk Assessment

  • Security Risk and Compliance Risk Considerations
  • Regulatory Requirements
  • Security Risk and Compliance Architectural Design

Module 6: Basic Security Risk and Compliance

  • User Security
  • Node Security
  • Network Security

Module 7: Security Risk and Compliance for Business

  • Introduction to Ethereum Security
  • Introduction to Hyperledger Security
  • Introduction to Corda Security

Module 8: Securely Implementing Business Security Risk and Compliance

  • Business Operations
  • Data Management
  • Infrastructure
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Day 3: Known Security Vulnerabilities and Solutions

Module 9: Network-Level Vulnerabilities and Attacks

  • 51% Attacks
  • Denial of Service Attacks
  • Eclipse Attacks
  • Replay Attacks
  • Routing Attacks
  • Sybil Attacks

Module 10: System-Level Vulnerabilities and Attacks

  • The Bitcoin Hack
  • The Verge Hack
  • The EOS Vulnerability
  • The Lisk Vulnerability

Module 11: Smart Contract Vulnerabilities and Attacks

  • Reentrancy
  • Access Control
  • Arithmetic
  • Unchecked Return Values
  • Denial of Service
  • Bad Randomness
  • Race Conditions
  • Timestamp Dependence
  • Short Addresses

Module 12: Security of Alternative DLT Architectures

  • Introduction to DAG-Based DLTs
  • Advantages of DAG-Based DLTs
  • Limitations of DAG-Based DLTs

Security Architect Fast Track Training

Security Architect Fast Track Training London The student will be exposed to Security Architect Fast Track's adaptable feature set which allows the developer to design decentralized applications for countless applications. Students will also participate in hands-on programming lab sessions to learn, develop, and advance their skills in Security Architect Fast Track Training London development.

The Security Architect Fast Track Training London is designed for those seeking an in-depth understanding and development experience of the Security Architect Fast Track Training London. Students will participate in approximately 50% programming lab time providing practical experience, enhancing their knowledge and existing skill set. Due to the technical programming lab content covered in this course, it is not recommended for those without programming knowledge and experience.


  • An excellent overall understanding of the Security Architect Fast Track Exam architecture and Solidity language.
  • All functional components (including smart contracts) required to develop an Security Architect Fast Track.
  • The understanding of how to instantiate an Security Architect Fast Track Course application on the network.
  • An in-depth understanding of how transactions are created and implemented on an Security Architect Fast Track Exam network.

Target Audience
Target Course Audience Include:

  • Software Engineers
  • Programmers
  • Developers
  • Application Architects

Security Architect Fast Track Exam and Smart Contract Basics Security Architect Fast Track Certification

  • What is Security Architect Fast Track Course and how does it work?
  • Centralized vs. Decentralized vs. Distributed
  • Security Architect Fast Track vs. Databases
  • Bitcoin vs Security Architect Fast Track
  • What are Smart Contracts?
  • How are Smart Contracts used?

Smart Contract Programming Basics

  • Advantages and Drawbacks of Smart Contracts
  • Layer 1 vs. Layer 2
  • High-Level Language vs. Low-Level
  • Languages in Comparison Solidity, Vyper, others
  • Smart Contracts with Solidity
  • The Layout of a Solidity File
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 1)
    • Types of Variables in Solidity
    • Function/Variable Visibility
    • Smart Contract Constructors
    • Setter- and Getter-Functions

Understanding Decentralized Information and Web3

  • Security Architect Fast Track Access structures and Architectures
    • Remote Security Nodes vs. Local Security Nodes
  • Security Access vs. centralized RESTful API
  • Understanding Web3.js API
  • Understanding Transactions and Consensus
  • Private Keys, Public Keys and Signatures
  • Understanding privacy on pubic Security Architect Fast Track
  • Understanding the architecture of KeyStore’s such as MetaMask or MIST
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 2 – Ropsten Test-Ether and MetaMask)
    • Installing and Configuring MetaMask
    • Obtaining Ropsten (or Testnet) Ether
    • Tracing Ether through Block-Explorers
    • Understanding Infura

Basics of Ethereum and the EVM

  • Security Architect Fast Track Denominations
  • Understanding EVM and the ABI Interface
  • Calls vs. Transactions
  • Concurrency and Events
  • Use cases of Events
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 3 Web3JS Operations + Lab 4 Events)
    • Install and Use Ganache
    • Work with Web3.js
    • Work with Infura
    • Define Events
    • Listen and React to Events

Solidity Advanced: Modifiers, Mappings, Structs and Inheritance

  • Understanding Functions, Mappings and Structs
  • When to use Modifiers
  • Libraries vs. Inheritance
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 5 Modifiers, 6 Mappings and Structs, Lab 7 Inheritance)
    • Understand and use Modifiers
    • Add Mappings and Structs
    • Use Inheritance to increase auditability

Understanding Deployment and Costs Security Architect Fast Track Certification

  • Understand Development and Deployment Cycles
  • Understanding Solidity Compilation and Deployment
  • Gas and Gas-Costs
  • Upgradeability and Data Migration Techniques
  • Understand the moving Parts: Compiler, Security Architect, API, KeyStore
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 8 Deployment, Lab 9 Tie it together)
    • Changing from strings to bytes (save gas)
    • Deploy using Ropsten Test-Ether
    • Understand the difference when using a real Security Architect
    • Use a fully functioning distributed Application

Mining, Proof of Work vs. Proof of Authority

  • What is Mining in PoW?
    • How blocks are generated
    • PoW vs. PoA (vs. PoS)
  • Understanding Go-Security Architect Fast Track or Ganache/TestRPC for local development
  • Understanding Private Security Architect Fast Track vs. Public Security Architect Fast Track
    • LAB TASKS (Lab 10 Mining)
    • Installing and using Ganache
    • Installing and using Go-Security Architect Fast Track
    • Connecting to Ganache/Go-Security Architect Fast Track from Remix and Web3.js
    • Interact with the Security Architect Fast Track from HTML/JS

Current Problems, Solutions, Outlook, Serenity Security Architect Fast Track Certification

  • Security Architect Fast Track Now and Security Architect Fast Track Future
  • Where we are at with Security Architect Fast Track
    • Homestead
    • PoW
  • Where Security Architect Fast Track is heading to
    • Serenity
    • PoS + PoW to PoS
    • Sharding
  • Recommended Newsletters/Groups

Working in Teams, Testing and Versioning

  • Understanding what Truffle is
  • Comparison to Embark
  • How Manage Code for Teams
  • Understanding Migrations
  • Understanding Unit-Testing with Truffle
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 11 Truffle setup, Lab 12 Truffle Unit Testing)
    • Download and Setup Truffle
    • Adapt the standard Truffle-Project
    • Write A Unit Test

IPFS and distributed File-Storage

  • What is IPFS
  • Comparison between IPFS, FileCoin, Swarm, Sia, Storj
  • LAB TASK (Lab 13 – IPFS)
    • Install and work with IPFS
    • Upload and retrieve a fully decentralized file

Bonus Section: Compilation

  • LAB TASK (Lab 14 – Compilation)
    • Compile a Solidity File with a command-line compiler


Lab 0 – Understanding Components

  • In this Lab we discuss the components used, where to get them and how to install them.

Lab 1 – Variables

  • In this Lab you will get to know Remix and run simple Smart Contracts

Lab 2 – Ropsten and MetaMask

  • In Lab you will get Ether from the Ropsten or Rinkeby Testnet and trace the Ethers on their way to the browser-plugin MetaMask.

Lab 3 – Web3.JS Operations

  • During this Lab you will understand what Web3.JS is and how it is used to retrieve Information.

Lab 4 – Events

  • Here you will learn a classic use-case for events to overcome concurrent workflow issues

Lab 5 – Modifiers

  • In this Lab we will work with modifiers

Lab 6 – Mappings and Structs

  • Mappings and Structs are powerful data-structures which you will learn in this Lab

Lab 5 – Modifiers

  • In this Lab we will work with modifiers

Lab 7 – Inheritance

  • When using Solidity it’s good to keep things clear and small to be able to audit it. In this Lab we discuss Inheritance

Lab 8 – Gas-Costs and Deployment

  • In this Lab you will learn how to optimize the smart contract, deploy the contract and what to pay attention to in practice.

Lab 9 – Final DApp, Tie it Together

  • We put all the components together and work with the final distributed Application.

Lab 10 – Mining

  • During this lab you will see the difference of mining in a proof of authority consensus network and a proof or work network.

Lab 11 – Truffle Setup

  • This Lab will teach how Truffle can be used to work in teams and with code locally. We will install and adapt the truffle default workflow.

Lab 12 – Truffle Unit Tests

  • In this Lab we will do one of the most important steps during Contract Development: Create Unit-Tests for our Smart Contract

Lab 13 – IPFS

  • During this Lab you will create a fully decentralized file-storage which will store files on IPFS and pointers on Security Architect Fast Track

Bonus Lab – Solidity Compilation

  • In this Lab you will learn how to manually compile a solidity file with the command line solidity compiler

Cloud Security Training

This instructor-led virtual Cloud Security Training course is designed for developers and administrators who want to take a comprehensive deep dive on Cloud Security.

We cover cloud Security services for AWS and Azure.